Big Brother Awards Spain 2003

Vote your candidate

At the end of the page you'll see some examples of our candidates for the People´s choice. If you think that none of them this it deserves the prize, you can directly write yours in the box bellow, along with your reasons:

Your name:
Your e-mail: *
Write here your vote:
 * Your mail adress is not going to be stored, sold, used nor to be forwarded. We requested it exclusively to verify your identity and for sending you a message confirming your vote.

This are only some of the candidates you might vote to:


We have left outside this list a pile of names deliberately, as you'll have your favorites, we hoped that you'll send your votes with the candidate who deserves the prize more.

Thanks to participate!

BBA-Spain 2003 Team

Copyleft 2003 - CPSR Spain. Distribution and copy is granted, giving propper credit, and a link to original content.